What is URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a reference or address used to access resources on the internet. A URL specifies the location of a resource, and the means by which to retrieve it. In simpler terms, a URL is what you type into the address bar of your web browser to go to a specific website or access a particular resource.

Anatomy of URL

Let's analyze the anatomy of the URL "https://www.edba-academy.com/" consists of several components, each serving a specific purpose. Here's the anatomy of the URL:

  1. Scheme/Protocol:

    • Component: https
    • Purpose: Specifies the protocol or scheme used for communication. In this case, "https" indicates the use of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
  2. Subdomain:

    • Component: www
    • Purpose: Represents the subdomain of the website. It is optional and denotes a specific section or function of the site.
  3. Domain:

    • Component: edba-academy
    • Purpose: Identifies the main domain or website. In this example, it is "edba-academy."
  4. Top-Level Domain (TLD):

    • Component: com
    • Purpose: Specifies the top-level domain of the website. Common TLDs include ".com," ".org," ".net," etc.
  5. Path:

    • Component: /
    • Purpose: Denotes the path or route on the server. In this case, "/" indicates the root directory.
  6. Query Parameters:

    • Component: (None in this example)
    • Purpose: Additional parameters passed to the server, usually in the form of key-value pairs. They are preceded by a question mark "?" and separated by ampersands "&."
  7. Fragment Identifier:

    • Component: (None in this example)
    • Purpose: Specifies a specific section or anchor within the document. It is preceded by a hash "#" symbol.

Putting it all together, the components of the URL "https://www.edba-academy.com/" can be described as follows:

  1. Scheme/Protocol: https
  2. Subdomain: www
  3. Domain: edba-academy
  4. Top-Level Domain (TLD): com
  5. Path: /

Understanding the anatomy of a URL is essential for web development and navigating the internet, as it helps in identifying the location and resources associated with a specific web address.